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반도체ABLIC Inc.
주제품 : LDO , VD , DC/DC , HALL IC , RTC IC , EEPROM , Temperature ICABLIC은 세계 첫 CMOS IC를 탑재한 쿼츠워치 실용화를 기점으로 1968년 CMOS IC를 자체개발, 제조를 개시한 아날로그 반도체전문메이커입니다.
여러 민생기기, 휴대기기, 차재, 의료기기까지 소형, 저소비전류, 고정밀도의 IC를 공급합니다.
[홈페이지] https://www.ablic.com/en/semicon/ABLIC is an analog semiconductor manufacturer that developed and started manufacturing CMOS IC on its own in 1968 starting with the commercialization of the world's first CMOS watch equipped with CMOS IC.
It supplies small, low-power, and high-precision ICs to various people's livelihood devices, portable devices, vehicles, and medical devices.